ASIS International is the preeminent organization for security professionals. Founded in 1955, ASIS is dedicated to increasing the effectiveness and productivity of security professionals by developing educational programs and materials that address broad security interests, such as the ASIS Annual Seminar and Exhibits, as well as specific security topics.
By providing members and the security community with access to a full range of programs and services, and by publishing the industry's No. 1 magazine "Security Management" ASIS leads the way for advanced and improved security performance.
The Philippine Society for Industrial Security, Inc. (PSIS) is the Philippines largest organization of security professionals. Its members provide protection to the people, property, information and assets of a diverse private and public organizations.
PSIS members are management specialists who formulate security policies and programs for banks, aerospace facilities, communication networks, hotels, educational institutions, hospitals, shopping malls, domestic and foreign corporations, and countless business institutions. Security administrators from the nation's leading firm are included in the organization.
The Philippine Association of Detective and Protective Agency Operators, Inc (PADPAO) is an aggregation of private security agencies (PSA) nationwide with about 1,800 PSAs with an estimated personnel strength of 230,000 security personnel.
PADPAO is a self- governing, self- regulatory, and self-policing organization. It promotes and adopts a high standard of moral and ethical conducts in the operation and management of security services, observes strictly the tenets of truth, accuracy and prudence and conduct itself at all times in a manner conducive to public trust and confidence. It establishes good relations with all its members and its clients and abhors unfair competition and deceitful means by its members in getting clientele. Its members work together to provide a progressive security service for the satisfaction of its clients and contribute its share in the economic stability of the nation by providing security to its clients and protection of their assets and properties and the well-being of the country and the people.
Asian Professional Security Association (APSA) is an organisation uniting security associations in Asia. After the establishment of APSA Thailand, the parent body in Bangkok in 1994, APSA has established chapters in India, Philippines, Singapore, Malaysia, Korea, China, Hong Kong ,Indonesia and Vietnam.
APSA, with members from ten countries, is the largest Asian organisation for security professionals and plays a leading and influencing role in the advancement of professionalism within the security industry in the region. APSA captivates an ever-increasing enthusiasm through remarkable achievements, thanks to the dedication, unity and co-operation of its country chapters.
- International Association of Security Professionals (IASP)
- Association of Accredited Investigators of the Philippines (AACIP)
- Ayala Security Force
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